[Choose your film or view the full sound archive below]
Children: "Trick or Treat!"
Judith: "Michael?!!!"
Mr. Myers: "Michael?"
Dr. Loomis: "He Hasn't Spoken A Word In 15 Years..."
Dr. Loomis: "The Evil Is Gone!"
Dr. Loomis: "Two Roadblocks And All-Points Bulletin Wouldn't Stop A Five-Year-Old..."
Children: "The Boogeyman Is Coming!"
Annie: "Hey Jerk, Speed Kills!"
Sheriff Brackett: "Everyone's Entitled To One Good Scare..."
Dr. Loomis: "He Came Home..."
Dr. Loomis' Speech To Sheriff Brackett
Dr. Loomis: "I Met Him 15 Years Ago...I Was Told There Was Nothing Left..."
Dr. Loomis: "He Had The Blackest Eyes...The Devil's Eyes..."
Dr. Loomis: "What Was Living Behind That Boy's Eyes Was Purely And Simply...Evil..."
Tommy: "The Boogeyman's Outside, Look!!!"
Annie: "No Tricks For Annie Tonight..."
Dr. Loomis: "Hey Lonny, Get Your Ass Away From There..."
Sheriff Brackett: "I Have A Feeling That You're Way Off On This..."
Dr. Loomis: "You Have The Wrong Feeling..."
Dr. Loomis: "Death Has Come To Your Little Town, Sheriff..."
Sheriff Brackett: "You're Telling Me They're Lined Up For A Slaughterhouse?"
Dr. Loomis: "They Could Be..."
Sheriff Brackett: "Damn You For Letting Him Go!"
Lynda: "See Anything You Like?!"
Lynda: "Can't I Get Your Ghost, Bob?"
Laurie: "I'll Kill Ya If This Is A Joke!"
Laurie: "Was That The Boogeyman?"
Dr. Loomis: "As A Matter Of Fact, It Was..."
'Mr. Sandman' Chorus
Dr. Loomis: "You Don't Know What Death Is!"
Dr. Loomis: "I Shot Him Six Times!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "This Guy...This Man Is...He's Not Human!!!"
Sheriff Brackett: "Damn You...What Have You Done...You Let Him Out!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "Nothing Within Him Neither Conscience Nor Reason That Wasn't Even Remotely Human..."
Dr. Loomis: "I Am Talking About The Possibility That He Is Still Out There..."
Budd: "It Looks Like A Damn Homecoming..."
Budd: "Amazing Grace..."
Laurie: "Why Me???"
Dr. Loomis: "Heightens My Sense Of Security..."
Budd: "Happy Halloween..."
Cynthia: "I Told You...I'm Not Your Mother..."
Budd: "It's Cold Out There..."
Karen: "It Can Get Cold In HERE..."
Dr. Loomis: "Samhain...The Lord Of The Dead..."
Dr. Loomis: "We're All Afraid Of The Dark Inside Ourselves..."
Marion: "That Strode Girl...That's Michael Myers' Sister..."
Laurie: "HELP ME!!!"
Laurie: "Why Won't He Die???"
Marion: "Michael Myers...Just Get Your Ass Over Here!!!
Laurie: "Michael...Michael STOP!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "It's Time, Michael..."
The Silver Shamrock Commercial
Grimbridge: "They're Coming! They're Coming!"
Grimbridge: "They're Going To Kill Us! All Of Us!"
Rafferty: "It's Cozy...It's Quiet...And The Price Is Right!"
Challis: "It's Getting Late...And I Could Use A Drink..."
Challis: "I Don't Know What The Hell Is Going On..."
Starker: "He Made Santa Mira What It Is Today...A Dried Up Old Pile Of Nothing..."
Starker: "He Brought In Every One Of Them Factory People From The Outside..."
Starker: "He's Watching You, Friend, I Guarantee You That..."
Starker: "This Is The Last Halloween For That Lousy Factory Of His..."
Buddy: "Conal Cochran...The All-Time Genius Of The Practical Joke..."
Cochran: "Those Masks Haven't Been Through Final Processing..."
Cochran: "Quality Inspection, A Seal Of Approval, You Know, The Usual..."
Cochran: "Halloween Morning...A Very Busy Day For Me..."
Cochran: "A Good Magician Never Explains..."
Commercial: "Happy Happy Halloween...Silver Shamrock!"
Cochran: "I Do Love A Good Joke And This Is The Best Ever...The Joke On The Children..."
Cochran: "You Don't Really Know Much About Halloween..."
Cochran: "The Hills Ran Red With Blood Of Animals And Children..."
Cochran: "Happy Halloween..."
Guard: "I'll Be Glad To See This One Gone..."
Guard: "Welcome To Hell..."
Dr. Loomis: "We Are Talking About Evil On Two Legs!"
Dr. Loomis: "That Part Of Him Died Years Ago..."
Dr. Loomis: "Michael...Don't Go To Haddonfield..."
Dr. Loomis: "You Want Another Victim? Take Me..."
Dr. Loomis: "MICHAEL!!!!"
Children: "Every Day Is Halloween At Jamie's House!!!"
Children: "Jamie's Uncle's The Boogeyman!!!"
Children: "Jamie's An Orphan! Jamie's An Orphan!"
Jack: "You can't kill damnation...It doesn't die like a man dies..."
Dr. Loomis: "I Tell You, Michael Myers Is Here In This Town!!!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "They Didn't Know What They Were Fighting..."
Earl: "We're Gonna Fry His Ass!"
Rachel: "Michael Myers...He's Jamie's Uncle..."
Dr. Loomis: "Maybe Nobody Knows How To Stop Him..."
Sheriff Meeker: "Who's Gonna Be Next?!"
Brady: "We're Trapped In This House..."
Dr. Loomis: "Michael Myers Is In Hell...Buried...Where He Belongs..."
Dr. Loomis: "Get Out Of The House...Quickly!"
Dr. Loomis: "How Many People Did He Kill Last Year...Have You Forgotten???"
Dr. Loomis: "I Prayed That He Would Burn In Hell...But I Knew Hell Would Not Have Him!!!"
Tina: "They Should Ban Halloween In This Town..."
Dr. Loomis: "We Both Know He's Alive...But You Know Where He Is!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "Why Are You Protecting Him???"
Dr. Loomis: "Have You Come Home, Michael?"
Spitz: "You Gonna Pull Around Back, Or Should We Both Just Get Busted Out Front???"
Mike: "You Wanna Play??? Trick or Treat!!!"
Tina: "I Just Love Barbaric Men!"
Tina: "The Old Silent Treatment, Huh Mike?"
Tina: "Michael, Don't I Even Get A Kiss?"
Cop: "Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt With That Thing!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "It Will Destroy You Too...This Rage..."
Dr. Loomis: "Michael, Go Home...GO HOME!!!"
Jamie: "Let Me See..."
Jamie: "You Look Just Like Me..."
Dr. Loomis: "You Want Her? Here She Is!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "DIE! DIE! DIE!"
Jamie: "He'll Never Die..."
Tommy's Opening Narration
The Man In Black: "Kill For Him!"
Tommy: "I Was One Of The Lucky Ones...I Survived..."
Tommy: "Michael's Work Isn't Done In Haddonfield..."
Dr. Loomis: "Not Dead...Just Very Much Retired..."
Dr. Loomis: "It Is Not Wise To Play Halloween Pranks On Me..."
Jamie: "You Can't Have The Baby, Michael..."
John Strode: "Enough...Of This Michael Myers...Bullsh*t!"
Dr. Loomis: "It's His Mark...He's Come Home..."
Tommy Explains The Curse Of Thorn
Tommy: "Whenever It Appears, He Appears..."
John Strode: "It Must Be The Boogeyman...Here I Come, Boogeyman!"
Beth: "Michael Myers Is Long Gone...There Is No Boogeyman!"
Barry: "Every Fruitcake Medium Trying To Channel The Spirit of Michael Myers..."
Kara: "There's Someone In The Room...He's Right Behind You!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "Wynn..."
Dr. Loomis: "It's His Game...And I Know Where He Wants To Play It..."
Dr. Loomis: "Nothing Will Stop Michael..."
Lunatic: "He's Come Back...And...He's Very Angry!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "I Have A Little Business To Attend To Here..."
Dr. Loomis Screams At The End
Marion: "My House Is Broken Into!"
Cop: "Dr. Sam Loomis...He Lived Here...She Took Care Of Him..."
Cop: "Michael Myers...Yeah, Right..."
Keri (Laurie): "Just Give Me One Day!!!"
John: "Michael...Myers...Is Dead!"
John: "It's Leaking Out On Me...And I Can't Take It Anymore!"
John: "Don't You Think He Would Have Shown Up By Now?"
John: "If You Want To Stay Handcuffed To Your Dead Brother, That's Fine..."
Norma: "It's Halloween...I Guess Everyone Is Entitled To One Good Scare..."
Keri (Laurie): "I've Had My Share..."
Norma: "Happy Halloween!"
Keri (Laurie): "My Name's Not Keri Tate...It's Laurie Strode..."
Keri (Laurie): "My Brother Killed My Sister...With A Really Big Kitchen Knife..."
Will: "And The Girl...What Happened To The Sister? She Died, Right?"
Keri (Laurie): "She's The Headmistress Of A Very Posh, Secluded Private School..."
Will: "Who Was That???"
Keri (Laurie): "My Brother..."
Keri (Laurie): "MICHAEL!!!"
Laurie: "Hello, Michael..."
Laurie: "I Knew You'd Come For Me Sooner Or Later..."
Laurie: "Are You Afraid To Die, Michael???"
Laurie: "I'll See You In Hell!!!"
Sara: "You Sure They're Not Putting Us In Some House With Cameras In The Shower?"
Aron: "Don't Do It! That's The House Where It All Started..."
Freddie: "You Six Will Enter The Birthplace Of Evil In Its Purest Form..."
Bill: "Michael Myers Is Not Just A Guy Behind A Mask...He's A Legend"
Donna: "Michael Myers Embodies The Politics Of Violence Embedded In Pop Mythology"
Rudy: "Never Underestimate The Effect Of A Poor Diet"
Sara's scream
Freddie: "Let The Dangertainment Begin!!!"
Jen: "You Are This Close To Getting Voted Off The Island"
Jim: "You Know, Donna, You Got Great Legs...What Time Do They Open?"
Bill: "One Flash And You Can Light Up A Thousand Computer Screens"
Freddie: "I Ain't Paying You To Be Michael Myers...I'M Playing Michael Myers!!!"
Freddie: "I Left The Back Door Unlocked For Your Ass..."
Sara: "Michael's Here!!! I Saw Him In The House!!!"
Freddie: "Trick Or Treat..."
Freddie: "Hey Mikey, Happy %@*!& Halloween!!!"
Deborah: "I Hope She Likes Cripples!!!"
Ronnie: "I Will Crawl Over There And Skull F*ck The Sh*t Outta You!!!"
Ronnie: "Give Me A Break...He's Probably A Queer..."
Deborah: "Are You Saying Michael Did This?!"
Ronnie: "Hey, Clown...Psycho Boy...Cat Killer..."
Ronnie: "That Is Some Deep Ass Serious Faggoty Ass Sh*t..."
Ronnie: "If You Don't Think I Ain't Making A Mental List Of All Your F*cking Bullsh*t!!!"
Steve: "Come On, Babe, I Wanna Do It With The Mask On..."
Young Michael: "Happy Halloween, Boo..."
Dr. Loomis' First Interview With Michael At Smith's Grove
Ismael: "You Can't Let Those Walls Get You Down...Trust Me, I Know..."
Young Michael: "I Like The Mask Cause It Hides My Face..."
Young Michael: "I Need To Get Out Of Here!!!"
Dr. Loomis: "Sorry To Tell You...But This Is Going To Be My Last Day..."
Dr. Loomis: "These Are The Eyes Of A Psychopath..."
Zach: "So What Kook Are We Movin' Tonight...Trick Or Treat, Baby..."
Zach: "Can This Guy Walk Any F*ckin' Slower?!"
Joe Grizzley: "I Got A Taco Deluxe Supreme Talkin' Back At Me..."
Dr. Loomis: "He Is Mad That Trusts In The Tameness Of A Wolf..."
Lynda: "You Know What That Dried Up F*ckin B*tch Did?!"
Chester: "You Know, I Remember This Mess Just Like It Happened Yesterday..."
Lynda: "See Anything You Like???"
Mason Strode: "A Lot Of Nutcases Come Out On Halloween..."
Tommy: "Laurie...Is The Boogeyman Real?!"
Dr. Loomis: "Evil Is Here...It's Walking Amongst Us..."
Sheriff Brackett: "Doc, It Sounds To Me Like You're Talking About The Anti-Christ..."
Dr. Loomis: "We're Dealing With A Soulless Killing Machine Driven By Pure Animal Instinct..."
Laurie: "Was That The Boogeyman?!
Dr. Loomis: "Michael, It's My Fault...I Failed You!!!
Laurie Flips Out And Shoots Michael
'Nights In White Satin' Chorus
Sheriff Brackett: "There's Nothing Obvious About Anything That Happened Here Tonight..."
Orderly: "What's The Difference Between Jam And Jelly?..."
Laurie: "He's Dead...He's F*cking Dead!!!"
Laurie: "I Don't Even Know Who I Am Anymore..."
Young Michael: "She'll Be Back...I'll See Her Again...But I Won't See You..."
Dr. Loomis: "Michael Myers Is F*cking Dead...D-E-A-D!!!"
Deborah: "Halloween Is Coming..."
Deborah: "You Have To Get Ready...We Are Counting On You To Bring Us Home This Year..."
Sheriff Brackett: "Anybody Wonder Who Marvin Is...The Original Starving Marvin?"
Dr. Loomis: "Freaks Always Find Their Way Home..."
Lou Martini: "How'd You Like To Get F*cked By The Frankenstein Monster???"
Lou Martini: "Titties Good...Ass Good..."
Deborah: "Make Everything Right...And Bring Our Baby Back Home..."
Chett Johns: "He Eats At The Core Of The Victim's Soul..."
Laurie: "I'm Angel Myers...Michael Myers' Sister..."
Laurie: "I Want To F*cking Party!!!"
Seymour Coffins: "What's The Difference Between A Jack-O-Lantern And A Blonde???"
David Newman: "You Got Snapped On By Weird Al..."
Deborah: "Repeat After Me...I Love You, Mommy..."
Dana: "We are now at Smith's Grove...a rehabilitation facility..."
Aaron: "We are here today to interview a patient who has spent the last 40 years in captivity...and by all accounts has not uttered a word..."
Dr. Sartain: "And there he is...he can speak...he just chooses not to..."
Aaron: "You feel it, don't you Michael? You feel the mask!"
Aaron: "Could it be that one monster has created another?"
Ray: "Oh man! I got peanut butter on my penis..."
Dave: "Wasn't it her brother...who like cold blooded murdilated all those teenagers?"
Vicky: "No, that's just a bit that some people made up to make them feel better, I think..."
Laurie: "If the way I raised your mother...means that she hates me...but that she's prepared for the horrors of this world, then...I can live with that..."
Allyson: "Say goodbye to Michael and get over it!"
Karen: "I've spent my entire life trying to get over the paranoia and neuroses that she has projected on me..."
Barker: "What are we gonna do...cancel Halloween?!"
Julian: "Shut up, Dave, I heard him breathing...and then I saw him...he's in here...the Boogeyman's in this house!"
Laurie: "You're the new Loomis?"
Laurie: "Do you know...that I prayed every night that he would escape..."
Officer Hawkins: "What the hell would you do that for?!"
Laurie: "So I could kill him..."
Dr. Sartain: "There are many ways for tragedy and violence to change a victim..."
Dr. Sartain: "I want to know what he's feeling...and I want to know what pleasure he gets out of killing..."
Officer Hawkins: "Where is this killer? We gotta find him...you're not gonna stand in the way of justice this time.."
Laurie: "There is a police officer waiting at your house to bring you to us, we are all gonna be together...now...do as I say!"
Dr. Sartain: "So...this is what it feels like..."
Laurie: "Alright, pick your poison..."
Dr. Sartain: "Michael's pursuit of Laurie Strode could be what keeps him alive..."
Dr. Sartain: "Say something..."
Karen: "You want him to come here?!"
Laurie: "Happy Halloween, Michael..."
Karen: "Okay, it's not a cage, baby...it's a trap..."
Laurie: "Goodbye, Michael..."
Trick-Or-Treater: "Lonnie, Lonnie, weird and scrawny..."
Trick-Or-Treater: "It's Halloween...everyone's wearing a mask..."
Dr. Loomis: "Did Michael kill? Did Michael kill again?!"
Tommy: "It's Halloween night in Haddonfield...when terror is supposed to be fun"
Laurie: "Let it burn!!!"
Karen: "He'll always be with us...even if we can't see him..."
Phil: "There's a big mother in our bathroom, and he's wearing a monster mask"
Tommy: "I'm gonna swing old Huckleberry here, say night night...night night..."
Allyson: "Michael's haunted this town for 40 years...tonight we hunt him down"
Tommy: "This man is a threat...and we need to stop him tonight!"
Christy: "There's a creepy man in a mask & he keeps trying to play hide & seek"
Marion: "Hey Michael...this is for Dr. Loomis!"
Tommy: "Evil dies tonight!!!"
Laurie: "Let him come for me...let him take my head as I take his..."
Little John: "You've come home..."
Laurie: "Michael's masterpiece...he created this chaos..."
Officer Hawkins: "There is nothing inside that man but pure evil..."
Laurie: "Every time somebody's afraid, the boogeyman wins..."
Brackett: "Now he's turning us into monsters..."
Lonnie: "He creeps...he kills...he goes home..."
Karen: "I'm an innocent woman, just like your sister was..."
Brackett: "It's Halloween...everyone's entitled to one good scare..."
Laurie: "The more he kills, the more he transcends into something else..."
Laurie: "He is the essence of evil..."
Laurie (Extended Version): "I'm coming for you, Michael..."
Corey: "It's Halloween...we're gonna have a good time tonight..."
Jeremy: "Michael Myers kills babysitters, not kids..."
Theresa: "What have you done?!"
Laurie: "Michael Myers was the personification of evil..."
Terry: "A psycho meets a freak show...this is a match made in heaven!"
Laurie: "Are you the psycho or the freak show?"
Veva: "You tempted and you provoked that man...when you should've let him alone..."
Flasher: "Hey scarecrow...see anything you like?"
Allyson: "Just burn it all to the ground..."
Corey: "Show me how to do it..."
Deb: "I just get so excited about all that boogeyman bullsh*t!"
Roger: "The guy I saw on the side of the road...was down a dark path..."
Corey: "I'm not interested in immortality..."
Willy The Kid: "She teased a man with brain damage, and then he snapped.."
Allyson: "I don't want to be in Haddonfield anymore..."
Laurie's '2 Kinds Of Evil' speech to Corey
Corey: "If I can't have her...no one will..."
Corey: "I'm the psycho...you're the freak show..."
Laurie: "I saw the same thing in him that I saw in Michael..."
Allyson: "Michael Myers is who YOU are..."
Laurie: "You came here to kill me, so do it!"
Laurie's final speech to Michael
Allyson: "I'm not gonna let this happen to you..."
Hawkins: "It's time for Haddonfield to start healing..."
Laurie: "Evil doesn't die...it changes shape..."

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