Corey: "It's Halloween...we're gonna have a good time tonight..."

Jeremy: "Michael Myers kills babysitters, not kids..."

Theresa: "What have you done?!"

Laurie: "Michael Myers was the personification of evil..."

Terry: "A psycho meets a freak show...this is a match made in heaven!"

Laurie: "Are you the psycho or the freak show?"

Veva: "You tempted and you provoked that man...when you should've let him alone..."

Flasher: "Hey scarecrow...see anything you like?"

Allyson: "Just burn it all to the ground..."

Corey: "Show me how to do it..."

Deb: "I just get so excited about all that boogeyman bullsh*t!"

Roger: "The guy I saw on the side of the road...was down a dark path..."

Corey: "I'm not interested in immortality..."

Willy The Kid: "She teased a man with brain damage, and then he snapped.."

Allyson: "I don't want to be in Haddonfield anymore..."

Laurie's '2 Kinds Of Evil' speech to Corey

Corey: "If I can't have one will..."

Corey: "I'm the're the freak show..."

Laurie: "I saw the same thing in him that I saw in Michael..."

Allyson: "Michael Myers is who YOU are..."

Laurie: "You came here to kill me, so do it!"

Laurie's final speech to Michael

Allyson: "I'm not gonna let this happen to you..."

Hawkins: "It's time for Haddonfield to start healing..."

Laurie: "Evil doesn't changes shape..."

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