Trick-Or-Treater: "Lonnie, Lonnie, weird and scrawny..."
Trick-Or-Treater: "It's Halloween...everyone's wearing a mask..."
Dr. Loomis: "Did Michael kill? Did Michael kill again?!"
Tommy: "It's Halloween night in Haddonfield...when terror is supposed to be fun"
Laurie: "Let it burn!!!"
Karen: "He'll always be with us...even if we can't see him..."
Phil: "There's a big mother in our bathroom, and he's wearing a monster mask"
Tommy: "I'm gonna swing old Huckleberry here, say night night...night night..."
Allyson: "Michael's haunted this town for 40 years...tonight we hunt him down"
Tommy: "This man is a threat...and we need to stop him tonight!"
Christy: "There's a creepy man in a mask & he keeps trying to play hide & seek"
Marion: "Hey Michael...this is for Dr. Loomis!"
Tommy: "Evil dies tonight!!!"
Laurie: "Let him come for me...let him take my head as I take his..."
Little John: "You've come home..."
Laurie: "Michael's masterpiece...he created this chaos..."
Officer Hawkins: "There is nothing inside that man but pure evil..."
Laurie: "Every time somebody's afraid, the boogeyman wins..."
Brackett: "Now he's turning us into monsters..."
Lonnie: "He creeps...he kills...he goes home..."
Karen: "I'm an innocent woman, just like your sister was..."
Brackett: "It's Halloween...everyone's entitled to one good scare..."
Laurie: "The more he kills, the more he transcends into something else..."
Laurie: "He is the essence of evil..."
Laurie (extended version): "I'm coming for you, Michael..."

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