1. Jamie Lee Curtis, Kyle Richards, and Nick Castle were all in the original 'Halloween' (1978) and returned for this sequel.
2. This film bears quite a few similarities to Rob Zombie's 'Halloween II' (2009), with Michael having lived as a hermit for a few years by the time of the movie's events, a main character's book being a part of the plot, and perhaps most notably, both this movie and 'Halloween II' (2009) are the only ones where Michael is clearly killed at the end.
3. As in 'Halloween: Resurrection', Michael is reduced to eking out an existence in Haddonfield's sewers, only being provoked back into murder when someone invades what little he calls home.
4. The font type and color used for the credits of this film were similar to those used in 'Halloween III: Season Of The Witch'.
5. The storyline centering around someone other than MIchael was similar to 'Halloween III: Season Of The Witch'.
6. In the beginning of the film, Corey and Jeremy watch John Carpenter's 'The Thing' (1982), a clear reference to the original 'Halloween' (1978), where Laurie and Tommy were watching the original 'The Thing From Another World' (1951).
7. Radio station WURG was featured in the previous two 'Halloween' films as well.
8. Corey looking over the balcony after Jeremy's death was similar to Michael looking over the balcony after Laurie fell at the end of the original 'Halloween' (1978).
9. Corey was the same age (21) as Michael in the original 'Halloween' (1978).
10. The character of Corey Cunningham (Rohan Campbell) is a new character inspired by Arnie Cunningham (Keith Gordon) from John Carpenter's film 'Christine' (1983). When we are introduced to Corey in this film, he is shown to have a similar haircut, identical blue button-up shirt and a pair of black glasses reminiscent of Arnie's look in 'Christine'.
11. Laurie is writing her memoir, entitled 'Stalkers, Saviors And Samhain'. Samhain is the Celtic festival which eventually became the Halloween holiday we are familiar with, but it's also been referenced in prior Halloween movies. In 'Halloween II' (1981), Dr. Loomis finds that Michael's written it in blood on a blackboard, but there he translates the word to mean "lord of the dead," which isn't quite historically accurate. In 'Halloween III: Season Of The Witch', Conal Cochran is a Celtic witch who plans a mass sacrifice of children on the night of Halloween. The holiday is also central to the plot of 'Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers', where the eponymous curse is the Curse Of Thorn, which (in that movie's canon) was the force driving Myers to kill.
12. Laurie has a photo of her with Annie and Lynda framed in her house that was a promo photo from the original 'Halloween' (1978).
13. Halloween Ends continues the accidental (or intentional) motif of characters surviving severe neck injuries:
*Michael Myers survived a knitting needle to the throat in 'Halloween' (1978).
*Officer Hawkins was stabbed in the neck in 'Halloween' (2018) (and ran over by a police cruiser!)
*Sondra was stabbed in the throat with a shard of a fluorescent light bulb in 'Halloween Kills'.
*Corey survives a self-inflicted neck stabbing in this film, although he probably would have bled out if Michael hadn't snapped his neck moments later.
14. The guy who flashes Corey in the bar scene and asks, "See anything you like?!" is portrayed by Nick Castle, who played various iterations of Michael Myers over the years, thus symbolically passing the torch from one killer to the next. This line was also a nod to Lynda (P.J. Soles), who said the same thing to Michael (who she thought was her boyfriend Bob under a sheet) in the original 'Halloween' (1978).
15. The shot of Laurie looking down from her home to see Corey standing near a bush is similar the shot in the original 'Halloween' (1978), where she sees Michael standing by a bush while walking home from school with Annie. And the second time she looks, Corey is gone just like Michael was in the original.
16. Nurse Deb turning the knob of the shower was similar to when MIchael turned the knob on the gas in 'Halloween II' (1981), making the therapy pool scalding hot.
17. After the accident, the Allen House transformed into Corey's version of the Myers House, completely abandoned and boarded up.
18. Corey vandalizing the hood of Terry's car was similar to Michael scratching Mike's car with a garden claw in 'Halloween 5'.
19. Terry's black car was also black, just like Mike's in 'Halloween 5'.
20. While at the WURG station with Allyson, Corey jumps down from the roof and then falls. When he gets up, he does the iconic rise up that Michael was famous for doing.
21. The junkyard scene was a nod to John Carpenter's 1983 film 'Christine'.
22. Corey grabbing the knife to kill his mother was a nod to the opening scene of the original 'Halloween' (1978).
23. Corey driving a tow truck was similar to when Michael drove a tow truck to get back to Haddonfield in 'Halloween 4'.
24. Toward the end of the film, Allyson can be seen wearing an outfit similar to what Laurie Strode wore during the original 'Halloween' (1978).
25. The restaurant featured in this film, Ronnie's, was indirectly mentioned by Officers Richards and Francis in 'Halloween' (2018). Richards stated that they make a great Banh Mi sandwich there.
26. The pumpkin Laurie lights in her bedroom was carved similar to the one she did with Lindsey and Tommy while babysitting in the original 'Halloween' (1978).
27. Laurie hiding in the kitchen closet was similar to when Laurie hid in the bedroom closet in the original 'Halloween' (1978).
28. In a reversal of events from the original 'Halloween' (1978) film, Michael Myers stabs Laurie Strode in the ear with her knitting needle.
29. Michael trying to force Laurie's hand down into the garbage disposal was similar to when Charlie dropped the corkscrew into the garbage disposal in 'Halloween H20' and a kill with it was teased.
30. During their final confrontation, Michael's face is reflected in Laurie's knife. This is a bit of a visual callback to the posters for 'Halloween 5', 'Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers', and 'Halloween: Resurrection'.
31. Michael's death at the hands of Laurie Strode at the climax of the film was similar to the death of Mrs. Alves in 'Halloween II' (1981). The real difference between the two is that in 'Halloween II' (1981), Mrs. Alves' death was caused by Michael off-screen and Laurie slits his neck and wrists on-screen in this film.
32. The final scenes of the film showing all the places Laurie had been was similar to the ending of the original 'Halloween' (1978), which showed all the places Michael had been, complete with his breathing. In this however, the scenes were accompanied by silence as a way of showing The Shape was dead and Laurie had finally found peace.
Know any similarities that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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