1. This film is supposed to take place four years after the events of 'Halloween Kills'. However, it's never established why Michael didn't simply continue his killing spree immediately after the events of that film. It also seems that, if he wasn't going to start immediately, he would have resumed the following Halloween instead of waiting four years.
2. As Corey is sitting on the couch babysitting, his shoes change from striped to gray then back to striped.
3. Why would a nice house like the Allen House just be boarded up and abandoned after Jeremy's accident instead of being sold?
EXPLANATION: The Allen House was set up as Corey's version of the Myers House, where his first kill took place.
4. In the opening credits, the name of Kyle Richards' character is misspelled as 'Lindsay' instead of 'Lindsey'.
5. If Corey killed the vagrant in the early morning hours, wouldn't there have been some sign of decomposition on his body when he was found by Officer Mulaney later that night?
6. One of the teen bullies refers to Terry's convertible as a LeBaron, but in fact, it was actually a Dodge 600.
7. What are the odds that Terry's dad would take his car to Prevo's Auto, the very place Corey works, to get it repaired?
EXPLANATION: Perhaps Terry's dad was cheap and didn't want to take it to a dealership. Also, in the novelization, Terry is actually the grandson of Ben Tramer, so perhaps his dad wanted to keep it local or knew Ronald previously.
8. How did Corey know about Deb's affair with Dr. Mathis?
EXPLANATION: It was never explained, but assumed that Allyson told him.
9. When Michael attacks Deb and pins her to the wall with his knife, the wires holding her up are clearly visible.
10. When Laurie confronts Corey at the Allen House, she throws a paper airplane. What are the odds that that paper airplane was the same one Jeremy threw at Corey in the beginning of the film? And how could Laurie have possibly known about that?
EXPLANATION: Like a lot of things in the film, it was never explained. In the novelization, Corey goes to the Allen House regularly as therapy, and makes additional paper airplanes while he's in there, so perhaps it was one of those.
11. Why would there be a rock shaped like Michael's mask in the sewer?
12. How could Corey so easily overpower Michael and steal his mask?
EXPLANATION: According to the established narrative, Michael was weak from his age and his wounds in the previous two films, as well as the lack of kills since butchering Karen at the end of 'Halloween Kills'. However, at that point, Michael had had 2 additional kills, so this should have been a moot point.
13. The movie takes place in Haddonfield, Illinois, but in one scene, there is Publix brand milk shown in the refrigerator. How can this be, when there are no Publix stores in Illinois?
EXPLANATION: Perhaps Publix had a deal with the store to carry their products in Illinois even though there are no physical stores there.
14. Why would the radio receptionist be cutting out ghost decorations ON Halloween night, when in fact, that would have been done a lot sooner to prepare for the holiday?
EXPLANATION: In the novelization, the radio receptionist has a deeper back story and planned on quitting the station that night after Willy The Kid went off the air. She saw the ghost decorations while getting Willy coffee and prepared them as a way to pass the time.
15. When Michael's body is being transported to the junkyard, this could have been designated as an excessive use of deadly force. Not only could the civilian participants suffer criminal penalties, but the law enforcement officers could have been held accountable as well for allowing it.
EXPLANATION: Based on the reactions of both Officer Hawkins and Sheriff Baker, they obviously knew this but didn't care, given the situation.
16. Though police response times in large areas are famously not fantastic, the police take nearly 20 minutes to get to Laurie Strode's house on Halloween Night in the suburban town of Haddonfield.
Know any bloopers that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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