1. When Aaron is describing Michael's original attack on Judith, he gets it wrong. He says Michael sliced her in the base of her skull, scraping her spinal column. In fact, Michael stabbed her eight times in the chest.
2. In the Smith's Grove courtyard, the patients are all chained to stationary cinder blocks, with the safety perimeter around them marked with a large yellow square. However, since the chains can move 360 degrees, the safety area around them should realistically be a large yellow circle.
3. The cinder blocks in the Smith's Grove courtyard aren't even positioned in the center of the safety squares.
4. When Aaron is interviewing Laurie at her house, during a close-up shot his words and mouth are out of sync, making me question what the line really was to be.
EXPLANATION: Perhaps the line was changed in post-production.
5. Although the film is set in Northern Illinois, there are numerous palm trees and cypresses which can be seen in the background, neither of which actually grow in Illinois.
6. The cemetery woman describes another cemetery not far away and says both Bernie Mac and Muddy Waters are buried there. However, Bernie Mac and Muddy Waters are buried in two different towns.
7. When Aaron is pumping gas at the gas station, look closely. Even though he's supposedly pumping gas, the fuel display is actually blank. Later, after he finishes filling up, the pump magically shows the gallons and cost on the display like normal.
8. At the jail, there's a sign in the background where the word "ensure" is spelled wrong as "insure".
9. When Allyson is walking with her friends along the sidewalk, they pass a lawn decoration that is a tombstone with RIP on it. Right after that, there is an edit to a wider shot during the same sentence, but now they are passing by a plastic skull positioned in front of a tree that had not been there previously.
10. Anyone else find it odd that Allyson refers to Laurie as "grandmother", and not some other endearing term like grandma, granny, grammy or nana?
EXPLANATION: Perhaps this term was used to establish just how estranged Laurie had become from her family.
11. When Lumpy begins to investigate the site of the bus crash, he is told to "Run!" by Warden Kuneman, who is lying directly in front of him. However, in the next shot, Kuneman is nowhere to be found.
12. When Dave tries to stand up the motorcycle that he knocked over, you see a joint in his right hand. However, in the next shot, it's in his left hand instead.
13. When Officer Hawkins enter the house on the domestic disturbance call, he yells out "Haddonfield Sheriff's Department". However, the patch on his jacket says "Warren County Sheriff". In reality, Haddonfield is an incorporated municipality and would not have a county sheriff patrolling but rather a police chief. Sheriffs are county level law enforcement and the municipal police would be the Haddonfield Police Department.
14. How is Dr. Sartain able to easily pick up and move the much-larger Michael's unconscious body from the ground and load it into the back of the police car despite having one arm in a sling?
15. When Allyson is in the police car talking to Dr. Sartain, she is briefly shown in the front seat instead of the back.
16. When Michael kills Dr. Sartain, he stomps his head to a bloody pulp, making him completely unrecognizable. However, later, when the cops investigate his body, his head is magically put back together.
EXPLANATION: This was probably done so the audience would know whose body it truly was, even though we already knew it was Dr. Sartain.
17. When Officers Richards and Francis find Dr. Sartain's body, they call for backup. At the end of the film, when Laurie's house is on fire, Laurie, Karen and Allyson hitch a ride in the back of a pickup truck, and that backup is nowhere to be found.
18. Michael kills Ray outside Laurie's house and his body drops to the ground out there. Later, his body magically appears in the upstairs closet despite the fact Michael never had the opportunity to go back out there and move it.
19. When Michael smashes through the window pane, he is holding Laurie by the throat with his left hand about a foot off the ground. Laurie manages to bring her shotgun up from her right side towards Michael's arm. But when she shoots the gun, Michael's left hand (the one he was previously choking her with) was somehow free and then blown part. Laurie then drops to the ground. In reality, if his left arm was free, she would have dropped to the ground long before his hand was blown apart.
20. When Michael walks around inside Laurie's house, the view from the basement shows gaps, dust and even his footsteps through the floor. However, earlier in the film, the floor was shown as square tiles without gaps.
21. The secret door to Laurie's hidden basement opened much slower in the early part of the film. It sounded much heavier (like a vault door) as if it was sliding on a stone. Later, once the action starts, it magically opens much faster, not as noisy and even Michael can rip it up off the floor.
EXPLANATION: Maybe the gears were oiled. This was probably done to establish just how strong Michael truly is.
22. When Michael grabs Karen's ankle on the steps, Allyson tries to stab him with a blood-stained kitchen knife. Half a second later, the knife has disappeared, only to magically reappear on the floor later on.
Know any bloopers that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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