1. Where were Michelle and Ryan taking her father's car?
2. What word did the reporter have trouble pronouncing, and what was its meaning?
3. What was the name of Alfredo's gas station?
4. What item did Alfredo scare Michelle with in her car?
5. Where did Alfredo work before he ran the gas station?
6. What did the bumper sticker on Benny's Jeep say?
7. What was the name of the little girl's doll?
8. What was Tex's real name?
9. What famous phrase was etched on Leatherface's new chainsaw?
10. What did Leatherface type on the computer game when the person's graphic popped up on the screen?
1. Michelle and Ryan were taking her father's car back to him in Deland, Florida.
2. The word was adipocere, meaning the creamy breakdown of body fat.
3. Alfredo's gas station was called 'The Last Chance Gas & Lube'.
4. Alfredo scares Michelle with a fake skull on a stick (we assume it was fake).
5. Alfredo worked at the old slaughterhouse before he ran the gas station.
6. The bumper sticker on Benny's Jeep said 'There is nothing in here worth your life'.
7. The little girl's doll was named Sally.
8. Tex's real name was Eddie.
9. The famous phrase 'The Saw Is Family' was etched on Leatherface's new chainsaw.
10. Leatherface typed in 'F-O-O-D' on the computer when the person's graphic popped up.
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