Supervisor: "What are you still doing here? Go home, we're out of business!"
Eric: "This is how you sneak up on them...and you catch 'em...the gooks in the swamp..."
Chrissie: "You know what I think is patriotic? Me driving you across state to go to Vietnam...again..."
Sheriff Hoyt: "He ain't retarded...he's misunderstood..."
Sheriff Hoyt: "I think we've got a problem, sheriff..."
Sheriff Hoyt: "Sh*t, I just killed the whole f*&%in' sheriff's department..."
Sheriff Hoyt's dinner speech
Eric: "You'd be amazed at the things you can get used to..."
Monty: "Pretty little roscoe, ain't ya?!"
Sheriff Hoyt: "My daddy always told me that if you want to be a good farmer, you've gotta keep your livestock clean..."
Sheriff Hoyt: "There ain't nothin' I hate worse than a draft-dodging, hippie protestor..."
Luda Mae: "I never had me a little girl..."
Monty: "I didn't do it!"
Luda Mae: "What did you do that for?"
Sheriff Hoyt: "Balance..."
Sheriff Hoyt: "I'll have momma throw out another plate for supper...you can stay?"
Luda Mae: "I wonder whose tongue this is?"
Chrissie: "Do you guys f*&% all your cousins, or just the ones you find attractive?!"
Luda Mae: "I will not have you speak ill of this family!"
Luda Mae: "Take a sip...you gotta have something to build up your strength..."
Sheriff Hoyt: "There comes a time when every boy becomes a man..."
Luda Mae: "Can't you see?? Your friend ain't with us no more..."
Closing Narration

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