Opening Narration
Barry: "Guys need sex, ok? You can get prostrate cancer..."
Darla: "They're always doing something to get me to flash 'em..."
Vilmer: "Boy's dead..."
Vilmer: "Alright racing fans, here...we...go!"
W.E.: "I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes me all summer..."
W.E.: "Among other evils that being unarmed brings you...it causes you to be despised..."
Vilmer: "You gotta watch getting into cars with strangers these days..."
Vilmer: "Just to let ya know it ain't Saturday morning cartoons, if you know what I mean..."
Jenny: "No...he's out there with a chainsaw!"
W.E.: "It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end..."
W.E.: "Look what your brother did to this door..."
Vilmer: "Let me ask you one question...are you having fun yet?"
Darla: "Don't you let him get to you...'casue that's what he wants..."
Vilmer: "I've got a mind...to slit your goddamn throat!"
Vilmer: "Pop goes the weasel!"
Vilmer: "Welcome...to my world!!!"
W.E.: "No respect...no discipline...that's the problem...family values have gone straight to hell..."
Jenny: "The only reason for any of this is that he's a psycho and gets off on it..."
Jenny: "If you're gonna kill me, then do it!"
Rothman: "This...is...appalling..."
Rothman: "I want these people to know the meaning of horror..."

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