Opening Narration
Ryan: "Welcome to the real world Michelle...you're gonna have to live in it no matter where you run..."
Alfredo: "I'm gonna service you real good, m'am...don't you worry about it..."
Tex: "There's roadkill all over Texas...the natural order of things..."
Ryan: "We're being hunted!"
Benny: "We're almost home, Lucille..."
Sara: "They hunt people...they really hunt them...they trap them...and they kill them..."
Little Girl: "Yakety-yak...don't talk back!"
Tex: "How you like Texas?"
Little Girl: "If you don't poke them, then they don't leak...and we can't feed Grandpa...silly..."
Tinker: "Technology is our friend..."
Benny: "What are you people doing out here???"
Tinker: "All we need now is a good mess of greens..."
Mama: "Junior likes them private parts..."
Mama: "We knows what to do with them parts..."
Tex: "And if you need anything...just twitch..."
Tinker: "Go get the meat!!!"
Michelle: "Okay...alright...you and me then, huh? You sick f*cker!!!"
Benny: "You ever heard of pizza???"
Tinker: "She looks to me like she might go all screamy on us, Eddie..."
Alfredo: "It's knock-knock time in Lubbock...and I'm back!"
Michelle: "There's roadkill all over Texas..."

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