1. The opening narration of the film was done by John Larroquette, who did the same thing on several of the earlier films, including the original.
2. The documentary showing the weather vane and scenes of the house alluded to the original film.
3. Dante's profession as a chef is a nod to Drayton's character 'The Cook' of the original film.
4. Leatherface putting make-up on is similar to what he did in earlier films, including the original.
5. The flashbulb sound effect was again used in this film, just like in most of the previous films.
6. Sally bears an uncanny resemblance to Lefty from 'Part 2' in this film, basically taking over all his character traits and motivation.
7. When Leatherface saws through the floorboards to get Melody, it is similar to what he did in the 2003 and 2006 remake/requel films, when he saws through tables.
8. When Leatherface saws through the bathroom door on the bus to get to Melody and Lila, it is similar to the way he sawed through the front door in the original film to get to Sally.
9. The infamous chase scene is duplicated in this film, only this time it is Leatherface chasing Lila with his chainsaw through the downtown street.
10. Leatherface attacking from the large puddle inside the theater is similar to the bogs used in 'Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III' (1990).
11. The iconic scene of Leatherface holding the saw above his head in 'Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III' (1990) is duplicated in the theater scene in this film.
Know any similarities that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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