Matt: Like 'Halloween' and 'Scream', the TCM franchise decided to scrap a hefty portion of its timeline and re-write its history. The problem is, they've already tried that on more than one occasion. And while 2003's full reboot and 2006's prequel were moderately successful, every effort since has completely fallen flat. This time, they take you to the town of Harlow, which was never mentioned in any of the previous sequels, to a ghost town where not much exists. Well, except for an abandoned orphanage house where an old lady and her last tenant, Leatherface, are living. There's no explanation as to how they got there, or how the town even survives. But somehow there is a sheriff's department, orphanage and garage. Then a group of annoying millennials shows up saying they've purchased the town, and it all goes downhill from there. The only thing worse than the acting in this one were the characters themselves. They were not likeable at all, and made me almost cheer when they were killed off. Mark Burnham takes on the role of Leatherface and does a passable, yet not exceptional, job. The kills were very gory and gruesome in typical TCM fashion, but that's about the only positive I can say about this entry. Oh wait, it was better than the last one? Is that something positive? Not so sure. 4 out of 10.
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