1. Prior to making this film, New Line Cinema had to pay $3 million more than it expected to in order to keep the series in the studio fold after Dimension Films made a pricey deal with original rights holders Tobe Hooper, Kim Henkel and Robert Kuhn.
2. According to producer Brad Fuller, the film was given an NC-17 by the MPAA, and a total of 17 scenes had to be edited in order to get an R rating.
3. During filming, R. Lee Ermey was called away to his mother's death bed. For the remainder of the time, filming was done around his character.
4. Zachary Knighton was strongly considered for the role of Eric originally, but it ended up going to Matt Bomer instead.
5. Taylor Handley (Dean) impressed the director and producers so much when auditioning for the film, that they cast him immediately after the audition.
6. Producers Andrew Form and Bradley Fuller decided not to make a sequel to the 2003 movie because of how the events played out, in particular Leatherface losing his forearm. But the fans kept coming to them, asking how the family got that way and wanting to know several unanswered questions from the 2003 version (some of them include how Monty lost both of his legs, to how Sheriff Hoyt lost his front teeth, and how Leatherface got his nickname). After meeting with Michael Bay, Form and Fuller came around and decided to take part.
7. This film was the first movie to receive Iceland's 18 rating
8. In this film, Andrew Bryniarski became the first actor to portray Leatherface twice. As with his first turn, Bryniarski studied the performance of Gunnar Hansen, and went back to look at his own work in the 2003 film to see where he could improve.
9. This was the first 'Texas Chainsaw' film that Gunnar Hansen or any of the original cast members were not asked to take part.
10. David J. Schow, who wrote 'Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III', co-wrote this film along with Sheldon Turner.
Know any assorted facts that we don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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