1. In the opening scene, the driver's side rear window is up in one scene. Later, when Richter explains the story for carrying the firearm, the window is down. The scene after that, when Melody gets back in the car, the window is up again and she lowers it.
2. Since when are there sunflower fields in Texas? Despite the producers' best efforts, it was painfully obvious at times that the setting was NOT Texas.
3. How did Leatherface get to the orphanage in Harlow following the events of the original film? And why did he go there?
EXPLANATION: Since Virginia was his mother, it may have been the only other place he knew to go after the inevitable passing of Drayton, the only other family member left alive after the events of the original film.
4. When Leatherface pops his head up in the field, it's very obvious that it's a green screen effect since an outline can be seen around him.
5. How did Leatherface get back to Harlow so fast after killing his victims in the sunflower field, especially after enduring the crash of the van and walking slowly with a limp?
6. When Virginia is taken away by police, she throws up on the floor of the house. Later, when Richter arrives after he found Dante, the vomit on the floor is gone.
7. When Leatherface returns to his bedroom, he is carrying a sledgehammer and it forces Melody to hide under the bed. From his vantage point based on where he was located in the hallway and the time it took him to get back to the bedroom, he would have clearly seen Melody drop to the floor and roll under the bed.
8. How is Melody perfectly fine after Leatherface threw the sledgehammer at her and she crashed through the floorboards into the foundation of the house? In reality, she would either be dead or severely injured, and she showed no signs of injury at all.
9. Why didn't Catherine call for help when she discovered Dante's body? She just goes back and sits on the bus and shuts the door.
EXPLANATION: Perhaps she was in shock and scared to death, and didn't want anyone else on the bus to panic or cause a scene to lure whatever the danger outside is toward them.
10. Leatherface manages to get the 47 year old chainsaw going with little fuss, despite how long it sat idle. In reality, after all that time, the chainsaw would have needed to be completely rebuilt, not to mention the fuel not being viable for almost 50 years. He also never gasses it up once despite all the action the saw sees in the film.
11. The muffler on the Poulan 306a chainsaw used in the film changes from before the kills happen and after.
12. What makes Sally think Leatherface would know the name of her, her brother, and her friends, when he never heard their names in the original film? They were nothing but food to them.
13. There is no explanation as to why Leatherface has not aged a day in 50 years. However, the opening documentary section of the film shows that Leatherface was between 16 and 20 years old at the time of the original massacre. SInce this film takes place in August 2020, he would have been between 63 and 67.
14. When Leatherface hacks off the partier's arm, he is shown in disbelief, and his left arm is missing. But later, when Catherine climbs over him trying to escape out the window, it is suddenly his right arm that is missing.
15. The size of the chainsaw guide bar seems considerably longer when Leatherface is sawing through the bathroom door on the bus to get to Melody and Lila.
16. When Leatherface is carving a hole in the bus toilet door, it's almost a hexagonal shape while the saw is cutting the door. But when he punches through it, it's a different, rougher shape.
17. How does Leatherface's chainsaw still manage to work after being blasted by a shotgun?
18. Sally's Texas accent slips several times in the film, and actress Olwen Fouere's Irish accent comes through instead.
19. When Sally confronts Leatherface in his bedroom, why does he just get up and leave her alone, when he killed everyone else he came in contact with?
EXPLANATION: Perhaps Leatherface was confused as to why this woman did not attack him immediately and he decided she was not an immediate threat.
20. When Leatherface puts his saw all the way through Sally, you can clearly see the chains are not moving. It also should have killed her instantly.
21. When Melody hits Leatherface with the saw, you can again see the chains are not moving until after the contact is made.
22. Why didn't Melody and Lila check on the people on the bus after escaping Leatherface?
EXPLANATION: Maybe they did and it just wasn't shown, or they assumed everyone on the bus was already dead.
23. Wouldn't any of the victims come off the bus looking for help?
EXPLANATION: Maybe everyone on the bus died or eventually passed after losing their limbs.
Know any bloopers that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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