Freddy: "You shouldn't have buried me...I'm not dead..."
Kincaid: "Freddy's back!"
Freddy: "How's this for a wet dream?"
Kristen: "We have matching luggage again..."
Alice: "Did you ever hear of the Dream Master?"
Alice: "Just dream someplace fun...remember, you're in control..."
Freddy: "I wanna draw some blood!"
Freddy: "Elm Street's last brat...farewell!"
Freddy: "How sweet...fresh meat!"
Freddy: "Alice...come to Daddy!"
Freddy: "Now no one sleeps!"
Kristen (To Alice): "You'll need my powers!"
Freddy: "Wanna suck face?!"
Alice: "Mind over matter!"
Freddy: "Your shift is over!"
Freddy: "Well it ain't Dr. Seuss!"
Freddy: "Welcome to Wonderland, Alice!"
Freddy: "I...am...eternal..."
Freddy: "You think you've got what it takes?!"
Freddy: "I've been guarding my gate for a long time, b*tch!"

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