1. The shower scene was similar to the shower scene in Psycho. It was probably an intended tip of the cap to Hitchcock.
2. Baby Krueger bared a striking resemblance to the Hellbaby in "Jason Goes To Hell." Or should it be the other way around, since JGTH came out two years later? I'll leave that up to you to decide.
3. Freddy's re-birth was similar to Jason's re-birth in "Jason Goes To Hell." Again, should it be the other way around, since JGTH came out two years later? I'll leave that up to you to decide.
4. Freddy morphing with Alice was similar to how he morphed with Jesse in Nightmare Part 2.
Know any similarities that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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