Written By: Stephen Hand
Based On Characters Created By: Victor Miller
Published: June 6, 2006
Company: Black Flame Publishing/Games Workshop
Nottingham, UK, England
Number of Pages: 414
Category: Young Adult Horror
ISBN Number: 1844163806
The fifth of Black Flame's 'Friday The 13th' novel series. After twenty-five years, Pamela Voorhees is back and she's ready to join her son in a rampage of murder. Only Jason isn't at home anymore; he's the main attraction in a traveling sideshow. Pamela will stop at nothing to bring Jason back to Crystal Lake, but she'd better hurry, because someone at the sideshow is planning to sell Jason on the Internet. Who will win the auction? The Jason-obsessed rock star, Ross Feratu? The ruthless tycoon, Nathaniel Morgas? Or will the FBI step in and put Jason behind bars before the final bid? Buckle up and get ready to witness the first ever online sale of a serial killer.