1. What was Mary's new nickname at school?
2. What was Mary's parents' occupation?
3. What type of sports car did Josh have?
4. What game did Mary and Josh play on his boat?
5. What reason did Jeff give Mary for originally breaking up with her?
6. What was Mary's Halloween costume?
7. What element was the centerpiece of the new Haddonfield Mall?
8. Which character went to the party dressed as the 'dancing queen'?
9. What part of Josh's past did Jeff reveal to Mary, trying to warn her?
10. What piece of evidence incriminated Jeff in the murders?
1. Mary's new nickname at school was 'Valley Girl'.
2. Mary's parents were architects. They designed the new Haddonfield Mall.
3. Josh had a Porsche sports car.
4. Mary and Josh played chinese checkers on his boat.
5. Jeff told Mary she was 'too rich' for him.
6. Mary's Halloween costume was of a gypsy.
7. The new Haddonfield Mall featured a giant oak tree running through the middle.
8. The 'dancing queen' was Shannon.
9. Jeff told Mary that Josh tried to rape a girl before, and he saved her.
10. The police found Jeff's bloody jacket at the murder scene.
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