1. Series creator John Carpenter wrote a treatment for this film, that was a more ghostly psychological approach to the Michael Myers mythos. It concerned the town of Haddonfield and what effect the events of the first two films have had on the it's citizens. This concept was later rejected by the producers in favor of the typical slasher fare, at which point in time Carpenter bailed out of the film, making this the first film in the series to have no participation from him.
2. An opening scene showing Loomis (Donald Pleasence) being rescued after the ending of 'Halloween II' was shot but never finished. In the scene, Loomis tried to stop firemen from extinguishing Michael Myers, shouting "Let him burn!"
3. Jamie Lloyd's name in the original script was Britty.
4. Jamie Lloyd's character is named after Jamie Lee Curtis.
5. Mike Lookinland, a Production Assistant on the set of 'Halloween 4', played Bobby Brady in the 'Brady Bunch' TV series. His wife Kelly played the dead waitress at the gas station.
6. Alan B. McElroy wrote the script in just 11 days, beating a pending Writer's Guild strike by mere hours.
7. The special effects and make-up were done by Magical Media Industries, headed by John Carl Buechler, who directed 'Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood' (1988).
8. Melissa Joan Hart originally auditioned for the role of Jamie.
9. The shoot lasted about 41 days and Ellie and Danielle were required to be on set for 36 of them.
10. During production of the roof-top chase, Ellie Cornell was injured by a protruding nail as she slid down the roof. After a quick trip to the local hospital, Ellie returned and finished the scene with her bandages in place. According to Danielle Harris, "it didn't even phase her."
11. Leaves had to be imported and squash was painted to look like pumpkins.
12. The gaffer (Garlan Wilde) was seriously injured while filming the Michael and Brady confrontation. Garlan was putting up a light and fell and cut his wrists; he was quickly rushed to the hospital.
13. Dwight H. Little did extensive research on the history of Halloween and many of its harvest images were put in the creepy opening sequence.
14. After viewing a rough cut of the film, it was decided that the movie was too soft, so they brought in special effects wizard John Carl Buechler for one day of extra "blood" filming. The thumb in the forehead and the redneck's head getting twisted were both done by him.
15. The drug store set would also be used in Stephen King's book/movie 'The Stand' in 1994.
16. The girl who drove Rachel and Jamie to the costume store was named Lindsey and is approximately 17 years old. In the original film, Jamie Lee Curtis babysat a seven year old named Lindsey.
17. A construction paper cutout of Michael Myers can be seen on a door on the second floor of the school just as Jamie and Dr. Loomis climb the stairs.
18. Originally, when Jamie and Loomis were trapped in the school, Jamie hid in a classroom under a desk. Michael entered searching for her, throwing the desks over. Although they had no time to film this in 'Halloween 4', the sequence was remembered by Moustapha Akkad and later re-used in 'Halloween H20' (1998).
19. In the original script, Sheriff Meeker was killed in a battle with Michael in the basement where the furnace was knocked over and caused the house to catch on fire. Originally, the house was supposed to be up in flames during the infamous rooftop sequence. This was eliminated due to budgetary constraints and Sheriff Meeker was kept alive.
20. In Jamie's introduction, she's sitting in the living room staring outside at the ambulance. Later, it shows the ambulance has disappeared. In the script, Jamie was staring outside at the rain, and the ambulance appeared after she had turned away. This was changed in editing for unknown reasons.
21. In the original script, Rachel hit Michael with the truck five times. While shooting, they reduced it to three and in editing it came out as one.
22. In the original script, the film opened with a shot of a long hospital corridor suddenly blowing up and throwing Loomis from the explosion, in a reference to the end of 'Halloween II' (1981) in order to show how Loomis survived. It was later decided the film should not have any connections to the predecessors and the explosive opening was never shot.
23. Rebecca Schaeffer auditioned for the role of Rachel.
24. George P. Wilbur wore hockey pads under the jumpsuit to give Michael Myers a much more imposing figure. This is revealed in the documentary 'Inside Halloween 5', where it is revealed that Don Shanks, who played Michael Myers in 'Halloween 5' (1989), was big enough that this was not required.
25. At the bottom of the stairs where the TV is in Meeker's home, a pair of plastic hands are visible. This is possibly a direct reference to the silver hands seen in mother's bedroom in 'Psycho' (1960).
Know any assorted facts that we don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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