1. When Chop-Top strikes L.G. with a hammer, his body shakes while he lies on the floor. This is similar to the way Kirk died in the original.
2. Chop-Top, The Hitchhiker's twin brother, seemingly took the place of The Hitchhiker (and his comic relief) from the first film.
3. Leatherface's door in the butcher shop is similar to the infamous sliding door in the original film.
4. The Cook uses similar lines to the original at times, most noticeably he says, "Look what your brother's done now!" In the original, the line was, "Look what your brother did to the door!"
5. When The Cook explains his business, he goes on explaining the new methods used in killing the cattle. He refers to "air powered head hammers", which Franklin mentions in the first film.
6. In the original film, Franklin refers to an uncle who works in a slaughterhouse outside Fort Worth, Texas. In this film, Lefty Enright is referred to as Sally and Franklin's uncle. Could he have been the same uncle that worked at that slaughterhouse?
7. The dinner scene with Stretch is similar to the dinner scene with Sally in the original.
8. The attempt to kill Stretch is the exact same way the family tried to kill Sally in the original.
9. The film taking place at night and then the heroine emerging outside in the daylight is just how things played out in the first film.
10. Chop-Top carrying a switchblade is similar to The Hitchhiker, who carried the switchblade in the van with him in the first film. Could it have been the same switchblade? Highly unlikely, but you never know, given that he was The Hitchhiker's brother.
11. Stretch running into the infamous "bone room" at the end of the film is similar to when Pam stumbled upon the same type of room in the house in the original.
12. At the end of the film, Stretch fights off Chop-Top with a chainsaw, then goes berserk, screaming and yelling while swinging the chainsaw over her head. This, of course, is how the first film ended, where Leatherface did the same thing.
13. In a deleted scene, Chop-Top has fun with the corpse of The Hitchhiker (a.k.a. "Nubbins") and yells, "woo woo woo woo". This was an homage to Curly of 'The Three Stooges'.
Know any similarities that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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