1. Inside the radio station, there are several posters for bands, including ZZ Top, The Beatles, and the Fine Young Cannibals.
2. The "family group shot," as seen in the advertisements, posters and video covers, uses the same positioning as the promotional group shot for the movie The Breakfast Club.
3. When the BBFC notified Cannon that at least 20 minutes, and possibly 25, would have to be trimmed, Cannon aborted its plans for a planned U.K. release in 1986.
4. Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel originally had an idea for a sequel that would feature an entire town of cannibals, and also be a satire of the film 'Motel Hell', which itself was a satire of the original 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. The title of that sequel was to be 'Beyond The Valley Of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre', but the studio forced considerable changes to be made to the screenplay, even hiring a new screenwriter, and the result of those changes are what became 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2'.
5. When originally submitted to the MPAA, it received an 'X' rating, prompting the filmmakers to release it as unrated.
6. Jim Siedow (The Cook) was the only actor in the original that returned for the sequel. This was also his last film appearance.
7. Horror film critic Joe Bob Briggs was cast in the film, and his name is listed in the closing credits, but his scenes were edited out of the final version.
8. Out of all the sequels and remakes, this is the only film which follows the same timeline as the original film. All of the others have no reference in their screen stories to the events in the original film.
9. Throughout the film, there are many references to the 'Red River Rivalry' or 'Red River Shootout' in regards to the football game going on during the film. As any avid college football fan can tell you, the 'Red River Rivalry' is the common name for the animosity between the University of Oklahoma and the University of Texas. The film takes place during OU vs. Texas weekend.
10. Tom Savini once stated that the makeup effects that he created for Grandpa is his proudest accomplishment, which he compares to the makeup for the aged Dustin Hoffman in 'Little Big Man' (1970).
11. In the original screenplay, Stretch was going to be Lefty Enright's daughter, and thus, cousin of Sally and Franklin Hardesty of the original film.
12. Tobe Hooper deleted a lengthy scene in which the Sawyer family goes out hunting for prime meat. The scene was cut for pacing but is present on the Gruesome Edition DVD.
13. Caroline Williams wanted to make a strong impression at her audition, so when she was called in, she went to the end of the hallway and ran screaming into the room, where she pulled Tobe Hooper and L.M. Kit Carson out of their seats and used the chairs to barricade the door before she began her scene.
14. A release in West Germany in 1986 was not possible because the film was banned before the film could be released to theaters. In 2012, Turbine Medien acquired the rights to the film and has now begun the process of getting the banishment revoked (something they successfully did for the first film).
15. Tobe Hooper makes a cameo appearance as a frolicker during a party scene.
16. Although it's never directly said, the corpse Leatherface and Chop-Top carry around and mess with throughout the film is that of The Hitchhiker, who is revealed in a deleted scene as Chop-Top's twin brother. The corpse is referred to several times as "Nubbins", both by Chop-Top and The Cook.
17. Chop-Top was not in the first film because he was serving in Vietnam. In a deleted scene, he refers to the plate in his head and the fact that it has funded The Cook's barbeque business.
18. Bill Moseley was cast in this film after doing a parody of the original film titled 'The Texas Chainsaw Manicure'. He played the role of The Hitchhiker, and when Tobe Hooper saw it and hired him.
19. In the scene where Lefty is tearing up the underground labyrinth with his chainsaws, he sets off a spark. This happens right before Leatherface spots Stretch hiding above him. That spark set the whole side of the wall on fire and nearly halted the entire production of the movie. Luckily, the fire department was close by and able to contain the fire in time.
Know any assorted facts that we don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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