Little Girl: "Freddy's home!"
Neal: "I don't understand why some grad school superstar is being treated like a seasoned pro..."
Freddy (to Zsa Zsa Gabor): "Who gives a f*ck what you think?!"
Freddy: "This is it, Jennifer, your big break in TV!"
Freddy: "Welcome to prime time, b*tch!"
Nancy: "He wears a dirty brown hat, he's horribly burned, and has razors on his right hand..."
Nancy: "You are the last of the Elm Street children!"
Freddy: "What's wrong, Joey? Feeling tongue-tied?!"
Nun: "The bastard son of 100 maniacs!"
Kincaid: "Let's go kick the motherf*cker's ass all over dream land!"
Freddy: "Where's the bourbon?!"
Freddy: "Let's get high!"
Freddy: "It's the chair for you, kid!"
Freddy: "Sorry, kid, I don't believe in fairy tales!"
Kincaid: "Yo, Freddy, where you hidin' at, you burnt-faced p*ssy?!"
Neal: "You are about to attend a funeral...one that's long overdue..."
Freddy: "Your wish is my command!"
Donald: "Bury the f*ckin' thing!"
Freddy: "You're mine now, piggy!"
Neal: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, lay your spirit to rest..."

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