Dean: "You're not real...You're not real...YOU'RE NOT REAL!!!!"
Freddy: "Remember me??"
Freddy: "You have nothin' to worry about...this won't hurt one...little...bit!"
Kristen: "I'm so afraid...all I want to do is go to sleep..."
Freddy: "I was just petting him..."
Jesse: "Just don't...fall...asleep!"
Jesse: "If you die in your dreams, you die for real!"
Jesse: "Oh God..."
Freddy: "No, just me!"
Freddy: "Why are you screaming? I haven't even cut you yet!"
Freddy: "You're my number one...you're my little Nancy!"
Young Nancy: "He takes us to the secret cave..."
Marcus Yeon's entire blog about Freddy
Freddy: "WAKE UP! You're bleeding..."
Freddy: "TAG...You're it!!!"
Freddy: "Your girlfriend's here...I'll be right back..."
Freddy: "BOO!!!"
Freddy: "How's this for a wet dream?"
Freddy: "Your mouth says no, but your body says yes!"
Freddy: "Look at me!!! Look what you did to me!!!"
Freddy: "Now it's time to play..."
Freddy: "You can't hurt me...You're in my world!!!"
Freddy: "I'm your boyfriend now..."
Freddy: "Sweet dreams!!!"
Nancy: "It hurts, doesn't it? It's cause you're in my world now, bitch!"
Nancy: "Nightmare's over..."

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