Matt: 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' did for fantasy terror what 'Friday The 13th' did for slasher films-- it totally expanded my interest in the horror genre and showed that there really are no limits to the boundaries of terror! Wes Craven took a simple little story he read about-- people dying in their sleep-- and transformed it into the cult phenomenon it has become today. The film contains many of the great elements of a horror movie, and it put names like Craven and Robert Englund on the map. The supporting cast, with Heather Langenkamp leading the way, delivered on all fronts. This movie also marked the debut for Johnny Depp, and we all know where this got him. The dream sequences were very well done, given the limitations of the technology at the time. I still shake my head in disbelief watching Tina's death scene. The fact that Craven unknowingly put his entire crew (and the film for that matter) in jeopardy while filming the fountain of blood astounds me, and shows just how far Wes was willing to go to make the film he envisioned.
To this day, I can't believe they had so much trouble getting this film made. This film alone is why New Line Cinema exists today. Without it, a lot of other films of its kind would not have been made, and New Line certainly wouldn't be the empire it is today. 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' set the standard for the rest of the series and really came through with creative kills, stylized violence, and a creepy score put forth by Charles Bernstein. It introduced us to a new demon to keep us awake at night, forever changing the horror genre. 10 out of 10.
A.J.: This movie is by far the best in the series. 10 out of 10.
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