1. Patient #1- Accidentally killed by Jacob
2. Patient #2- Accidentally killed by Jacob
3. Patient #3- Accidentally killed by Jacob
4. Patient #4- Accidentally killed by Jacob
5. Mitchell- Burned to death
6. Matt- Impaled with multiple spikes
7. Officer #1- Died from Jacob's powers
8. Officer #2- Died from Jacob's powers
9. Guard- Shot in head
10. Nikki- Clawed in back, burned to death
11. Dimitri- Burned to death
12. Officer #3- Falls dead through glass table
13. Officer #4- Face crushed
14. Sarah- Hacked up with claws
15. Officer #5- Died from Jacob's powers
16. Officer #6- Died from Jacob's powers
17. Officer #7- Died from Jacob's powers
18. Sally- Clawed in arm, choked and beheaded
19. Kane- Throat slit, skinned alive from inside
20. Jen- Accidentally shot by Jacob

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