Novel Total: 26
Series Total: 136

1. Kicked in head
2. Barbell to nose
3. Stabbed in chest with knife repeatedly
4. Pipe to the head
5. Smashed repeatedly with pipe
6. Pipe to the ribs
7. Pipe to the back
8. Punched repeatedly
9. Kicked in the groin
10. Baseball bat to ribs
11. Baseball bat to sides
12. Baseball bat to back
13. Baseball bat to head
14. Repeatedly punched in face
15. Repeatedly kicked in face
16. Repeatedly punched in nose
17. Repeatedly kicked in nose
18. Repeatedly punched in stomach
19. Repeatedly kicked in stomach
20. Punched in groin
21. Repeatedly punched in face
22. Kicked in teeth
23. Sledgehammer to midsection
24. Repeatedly smashed with sledgehammer
25. Fell two stories to ground
26. Pricked by rose thorns

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