1. Although hyped to be in 3-D, only the scenes where Maggie (Lisa Zane) puts on the 3-D glasses are in 3-D.
2. Johnny Depp (Glen from the original film), makes a cameo in a TV commercial. Glen, of course, was killed when he fell asleep watching TV.
3. New Line Cinema CEO Robert Shaye makes his obligatory cameo selling bus tickets in a booth.
4. Roseanne and Tom Arnold (long since divorced) make an appearance as a childless couple at the fair.
5. On September 12, 1991, the day before the U.S. release of the film, the City of Los Angeles declared it 'Freddy Krueger Day'.
6. There were many concepts considered for this film, including a screenplay by Peter Jackson, but most either weren't used or parts of each were absorbed into the final script.
7. 'Freddy's Dead' was Breckin Meyer's first theatrical role.
8. When shown theatrically, audience members were given one pair of red cardboard 3-D glasses with movie taglines printed on it. The inside arms had adhesives for attaching to standard glasses. There was also an advertisement for the film 'House Party 2' (1991) printed on the outside of one arm.
9. The original script featured a 16-year-old Jacob Johnson, Alice's son from 'The Dream Child'. In the first draft of the film, Alice, now in her thirties, was killed by Freddy.
10. It is believed that Jacob Johnson was to play a major role in the film. However, each re-write gave him less and less of a role until he was removed altogether, instead evolving into the John Doe character.
11. Also in the original script, Taryn, Joey, and Kincaid from 'Dream Warriors' returned as the 'Dream Police'. In the script, Taryn was dubbed the 'Blade Cop', Joey was the 'Sound Cop', and Kincaid was the 'Power Cop'. Director Rachel Talalay did not like that in the script and said the rewrites "saved the day". Whatever you say, Rachel.
12. Alice Cooper makes a cameo appearance as Freddy's abusive stepfather.
13. Rachel Talalay became the only female to direct a 'Nightmare on Elm Street' film, and it shows, as 'Freddy's Dead' is generally one of the most disliked in the franchise.
14. 'Freddy's Dead' is said to take place "10 years from now". The official NOES website's timeline opted for 1999 in place of 2001, despite the release date of the film in 1991, taking ten years from now to refer to the conclusion of 'The Dream Child'. This actually impacts the placement of 'Jason Goes to Hell' (1993), since Freddy Krueger's claw emerges from hell at the end of that film and seizes Jason's hockey mask. This indicates that the defeat of Freddy in 'Freddy's Dead' precedes the events of 'Jason Goes to Hell'.
15. 'John Doe' comes to think he may be Freddy's son. As noted earlier, this film takes place 10 years in the future circa 1999. The NOES official website's timeline notes that Freddy Krueger's death at the hands of the Springwood parents took place in 1968 (based on the fact that in ‘The Dream Child’, Freddy's mother is said to have died soon after Freddy's trial). This film notes that Freddy's child was taken away from him in 1966 (see the chalkboard scene at Springwood High School). Therefore, John Doe would have to be in his thirties to be Freddy's son- which he obviously was not.
16. During the scene at Springwood High School, several newspaper clippings and other references to Freddy victims appear. Also written on the chalkboard is '1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki attempts fail'.
17. 'Freddy's Dead' is the second movie in the series that Freddy drives a bus. The other was 'Freddy's Revenge'.
18. The soundtrack song 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida' by Iron Butterfly was originally titled 'In The Garden Of Eden'. However, during early recording of the song, singer Doug Ingle was so stoned when he sang it that it came out 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida'. The name stuck, and the rest was history, so to speak.
19. Peter Jackson's original screenplay for 'Freddy's Dead' saw Freddy aging and growing weak within the dream world. The teens of Springwood would have drug-fuelled slumber parties for kicks, and enter the dream world to beat him up.
Know any assorted facts that we don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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