Matt: Sigh. Here we go again. Another direct-to-video "crapterpiece" courtesy of Miramax. 'Hellseeker' continues the seemingly never-ending line of sequels that were not even 'Hellraiser' stories in their first draft. I don't know why, but someone at Miramax thought it would be profitable to take unused spec scripts and convert them into 'Hellraiser' films. And the end result is 'Hellraiser' movies 5-8. Fans cheered the return of Kirsty Cotton, who was again admirably played by Ashley Laurence, but other than that, I see no redeeming value in this film. It is nothing more than the typical psychological thrillers of its time, and the lousy special effects did nothing to boost this film at all. Pinhead, again reprised by the irreplaceable Doug Bradley, continues on the warpath in his quest for souls, and gets another crack at his adversary-- but doesn't take her? What the hell is that all about? After all Kirsty had been through with the Cenobites, you'd think by this time, they'd be more than happy to take her back to hell once and for all. I guess hell really doesn't hath no fury like a woman scorned. 2 out of 10.
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