1. During the opening scene, two ramps are noticeably visible when the car swerves off the side of the overpass.
2. In the beginning when the car is sinking, the left windows on the car are opened, but when the car actually sinks, those same windows are closed.
3. During the full shot view of the car sinking at the beginning of the film, it is clearly raining, as rain drops are seen on the surface of the water. However, all other shots and scenes at the river show no rain at all.
4. When Trevor is "giving himself in" to Sage, she is lying on top of him even though only moments before he had several acupuncture needles in his stomach.
5. Both times Trevor reads the sheet of paper with Sage's address, it says apartment #202. Later, when he enters her place, the #206 is on her door.
6. Why wouldn't Pinhead just come for Trevor after he solved the puzzle box like everyone else?
EXPLANATION: Unbeknownst to Trevor, Pinhead had already made his deal with Kirsty.
Know any bloopers that I don't have here? E-mail them to us at: lairofhorror@yahoo.com and you will get credit for them.

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