FILMS THE WALKING DEAD (1936) Right before Merrit's death, the room is dark and a lightning flash causes you too see Eldman. In 'Part 7', right before he disposes of David (Jon Renfield), he appears in a dark room with a lightning flash. CARRIE (1976) Tina is a socially awkward teen with telekinesis, just like Carrie. FRIDAY THE 13TH (1980) Clips are shown during the opening monologue. FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 (1981) Clips are shown during the opening monologue. FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 (1982) Clips are shown during the opening monologue. FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER (1984) Clips are shown during the opening monologue. THE TERMINATOR (1984) Dan says the line, "I'll be back", which is a direct reference to 'The Terminator'. FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI: JASON LIVES (1986) Clips are shown during the opening monologue. Also, some of Harry Manfredini's musical score from 'Part 6' was recycled in 'Part 7', even though he didn't sign on to do the music for that movie. TWINS (1988) CELLAR DWELLER (1987) There is a Fangoria magazine shown on a table with photos from this movie in it. UHF (1989) Jason Voorhees is one of the guests on 'Town Talk' during this film. KICKING AND SCREAMING (1995) The movie is mentioned among all of the 'Friday The 13th' franchise. SCREAM (1996) SCREAM 2 (1997) THE INDEPENDENT (2000) Jerry Stiller's character says he invented the roman numerals in sequel titles and mentions 'The Godfather Part 3' and 'Friday The 13th Part 7' as copying his idea. JASON X (2001) The 'sleeping bag' death scene is homaged. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (2003) MEAN GIRLS (2004) The movie soundtrack is heard in the background. SERIAL KILLING 4 DUMMIES (2004) The movie poster is shown in a bedroom during this film. LIGHTNING BUG (2004) Green and Angevin mention the new 'Friday The 13th' at one point in the film. Presumably it's 'Part 7', because the film takes place in 1988, when 'The New Blood' came out. 2001 MANIACS (2005) Kane Hodder, who played Jason in four 'Friday The 13th' movies, makes a cameo appearance and his character name is Jason. He also has similar mannerisms that he used when he played Jason. GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN' (2005) Unlce Duece has the movie poster on his wall during a scene. THE CABIN IN THE WOODS (2011) The Armour Plated Monster in the facility shown briefly on a monitor has what appears to be a worn out hockey mask upon the face, cracked at the bottom right corner, exposing a portion of bare jaw. This look is based on Jason's look from 'Part 7'. In addition, that same monster also wears a broken chain around its neck. TO HELL AND BACK: THE KANE HODDER STORY (2017) Clips from 'Part 7' are shown during this documentary, and Kane Hodder and John Carl Buechler talk about making the film. YOU MIGHT BE THE KILLER (2018) The 'Part 7' movie poster is shown hanging in the background during this film. JOHN WICK CHAPTER 3: PARABELLUM (2019) The 'ax in the face' death scene is similar to the death of Russell (Larry Cox) in 'Part 7'. NOBODY SLEEPS IN THE WOODS TONIGHT (2020) The 'sleeping bag' death scene is similar to the death of Judy (Debora Kessler) in 'Part 7'. VIDEO THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE (2000) The VHS video case is shown. THE MANY LIVES OF JASON VOORHEES (2002) THE SAW IS FAMILY: MAKING LEATHERFACE (2003) RETURN TO CRYSTAL LAKE: MAKING FRIDAY THE 13TH (2003) SERIAL KILLING 4 DUMMYS (2004) The movie poster is seen in the room of one of the characters during a scene. LIGHTNING BUG (2004) Green and Angevin mention the new 'Friday The 13th' at one point in the film. Presumably, it's 'Part 7', because the film takes place in 1988, when 'The New Blood' came out. GOING TO PIECES: THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SLASHER FILM (2006) The movie is mentioned in a newspaper article. MAKEOVER BY MADDY: NEED A LITTLE TOUCH-UP WORK MY ASS (2009) Actresses discuss the movie. JASON'S DESTROYER: THE MAKING OF THE NEW BLOOD (2009) 'Making-Of' featurette about the film. MIND OVER MATTER: THE TRUTH ABOUT TELEKINESIS (2009) 'Making-Of' featurette about the film. NEW YORK HAS A NEW PROBLEM: THE MAKING OF JASON TAKES MANHATTAN (2009) 'Part 7' is mentioned during this documentary. TOP 13 FRIDAY THE 13TH MOMENTS (2009) Jason taking a beating at the end of 'Part 7' ranks #3. NIGHTMARES IN RED, WHITE AND BLUE: THE EVOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN HORROR FILM (2009) Clips from the movie are shown. HIS NAME WAS JASON: 30 YEARS OF FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009) The movie poster and clips are shown, and it is mentioned and discussed. NEVER SLEEP AGAIN: THE ELM STREET LEGACY (2010) Clips from the movie are shown. OFFICIAL FRIDAY THE 13TH PARODY (2010) Adult parody of the 'Friday The 13th' series. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS: REVISITING THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRES (2010) Garon Grigsby mentions 'Part 7' during this documentary. SLICE AND DICE: THE SLASHER FILM FOREVER (2012) Director John Carl Buechler mentions 'Part 7' during this documentary, and the movie poster and stills from the film are shown. HARD TIME: THE MAKING OF PRISON (2013) 'Part 7' is mentioned during this documentary. CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIES: THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF FRIDAY THE 13TH (2013) The opening credits of 'Part 7' are spoofed, and actors from the film spoof their lines during this documentary. Clips from the film are also shown while it is discussed. CUTTING CLASS: AN INTERVIEW WITH MARTIN JAY SADOFF (2014) 'Part 7' is mentioned during this documentary. WHY HORROR? (2014) The 'Part 7' VHS video cover is shown during this film. JASON VORSNEEZE (2015) Animated version of the F13 film series. TRAILER TRAUMA 3: '80S HORRORTHON (2017) The 'Part 7' theatrical trailer is featured during this documentary. ALLERGIC OVERREACTION (2019) Nine movies later insinuates they have watched this movie during the marathon. VIDEO GAMES FRIDAY THE 13TH (1989) The picture on the game cover is Jason holding an ax, taken from Part 7 when he is just about to dispose of Melissa. |