Eric Morse (William Pattison): I must say I was very impressed with the work on this installment. A.J. manages to present a very well thought-out plotline and does it with a break-neck pacing that he amazingly is able to maintain through the story without sacrificing character development or description detail. He even manages to throw in a few amusing references to the original 'Friday The 13th' film. 8 out of 10.

Matt: This was a very worthy sequel to our novel series. This time, Rob Goldwater enlists the help of his military friends, who are ready to kick Jason's ass. A.J. wrote each chapter well, and the suspense was well built-up until the very end. The ending was a little weak, so I was a bit let down by that, but the rest of it kicked ass. 7.5 out of 10.

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