Written By: Pat Cadigan
Based On Characters Created By: Victor Miller
Based On Film Written By: Todd Farmer
Published: February 1, 2005
Company: Black Flame Publishing/Games Workshop
Nottingham, UK, England
Number of Pages: 410
Category: Young Adult Horror
ISBN Number: 1844161692


The second of Black Flame's 'Jason X' novel series. Picking up after the events of 'Jason X', 'The Experiment' follows Uber-Jason (what's left of him) as he crashes down through the atmosphere of Earth Two into Veronica Lake, site of a brand new power plant. Unfortunately, the nano-ants that re-built Jason on the Grendel also end up in the lake, and Uber-Jason is soon resurrected. However, this time he is captured by the government, who intends to use his unique healing abilities as part of a controversial experiment to create a super soldier.

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