The following is an excerpt quoted from 'Friday The 13th: The Jason Strain', cited from Chapter 15:

"He thought he heard something, some stealthy crackle of leaves. He cocked his head, switching the machete to his good right hand. When another huge guy in a hockey mask appeared in the clearing, Henrow rolled his eyes. "Another one?" He spat on the ground. "Ain't you guys a bit old to be letting your mama dress you alike?"

Jason Voorhees cocked his head as if trying to fathom Henrow's words.

"You want some of what I gave your late brother over here?" Henrow asked. "Come and get it, motherf*cker.""

'Friday The 13th: The Jason Strain', copyright 2006 Black Flame Publishing and New Line Cinema. (Faust 197-198).

NOTE: This excerpt was quoted as a source in this passage. No plagiarism is intended. It was posted to encourage purchase of the work. If you would like to read more, then click here to buy the book.

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