1. After all the zombies are gone, be careful. You will now be attacked by wolves! All you have to do to avoid this is to leave one zombie alive while you are in the woods. Trust me, they are much easier to deal with. Let the zombie follow you until you find the path you want to take. When more zombies come around, just repeat this trick. And if Jason should attack in the woods, all the zombies will disappear automatically, making it possible the wolves will appear after Jason is gone.
2. After many attempts, I've found it is possible to get a torch on the first day at camp. You just have to play as Mark, collect potions, and light all the fireplaces. Inside one of the cabins, you will then find a letter saying, "You will find a torch in one of the cabins by the lake". After you get that letter, go to the trail that circles the lake, look inside one of the two big cabins, and voila, the torch will be there.
3. To get a second torch on the first day, go into to woods at the very top of the screen. After that, head into one of the cabins inside the woods. Search that cabin until you find the ax. Take it, and then proceed to the cave and fight Jason's mother. After beating her, she will leave behind a torch for you.
4. In order to get a flashlight, you will need to light all the fireplaces inside the big cabins first. After that, light the ones around the cave area, then the ones outside the cave and lake areas. Once you've done that, go back to the lake area and light the fireplace in the bottom big cabin, followed by the one in the top big cabin at the lake area. Once you've done all that, the flashlight will be located in front of the fireplace. Take it. The flashlight lights up the cave.
5. To get the treasured machete, play as Mark and manage to get a key. After that, go into the cave and head left for two land bridges. Take a look in the background at the rocks. You should see a sort of crumbled rock that stands out from the rest. Go over to that rock and press "Up". That will then bring you to a door. Go through the door and defeat Jason's mother. After you defeat her, the machete will be revealed.
6. In order to get Mrs. Voorhees' sweater, and boost your defense against attacked, you must defeat her in the cave a second time. This time around, however, she is much more difficult to beat. The best weapon you can use against her this time is the torch. After you beat her, the sweater will appear, and will allow you to boost your defense.
7. To receive the pitchfork, the most powerful weapon in the game, you have to defeat Jason's mother again, for a third time, after you have already knocked Jason out twice. This time, she is almost impossible to defeat, but stick to it, and use the torch. When you beat her, the pitchfork will appear, and it is lots of fun to use!
8. The torch and the pitchfork are the best weapons in the game. The pitchfork comes in real handy during the third night at camp. You can easily wipe out three zombies in one shot with it. However, after visiting the cabin in the woods, you will discover a note that says similar to "Fire Will Damage Jason The Most". That's actually a lie. The pitchfork does the most damage, but since it is the hardest weapon to get, you can use the torch, which is more handy. Just be patient and stick with it.
9. Sometimes after you beat Jason either on a trail (mostly around the lake) or in a cabin, and you go into a big
cabin to light a fire, he will be there waiting for you. On top of having to fight Jason in a cabin, you have no choice but to go outside and face him again. This will seriously do some damage to your weaker counselors (this seems to happen to counselors with half or less health).
10. On the first day after getting the torch, go to woods looking for Jason, but make sure you have ten bottles of medicine. Go down a trail and stand directly over a trail that is going down. Keep hitting Jason with the torch until he dies and starts to disappear. As soon as he begins to disappear, go down the trail and the day will not finish. Jason will have full strength the next time he is encountered and will not lose any power when hit by the torch.

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