1. What was the time frame of this film as compared to 'Never Hike Alone'?

2. What was the name of Mark's mother?

3. What did Tommy write when he vandalized the hood of the police car?

4. What phrase did the letter magnets spell out on the Hill refrigerator?

5. What time was Mark supposed to pick up his mother at the hospital?

6. What was Mark's chief hobby?

7. What did Sheriff Rick take from Mark's bedroom when he reported his disappearance?

8. What inspired Mark to go explore the woods around Camp Crystal Lake?

9. What was Tommy's nickname for Sheriff Rick?

10. What significant item does Officer Mabry find when searching Jason's cabin?


1. This film was set in January 2017, prior to the events of 'Never Hike Alone'.
2. Mark's mother was named Diana.
3. Tommy wrote 'JASON' on the hood of the police car.
4. The letter magnets on the Hill refrigerator spelled out 'Take Your Best Shot'.
5. Mark was supposed to pick his mother up at 3 p.m.
6. Mark was a photographer.
7. Rick took a map of the Crystal Lake area from Mark's bedroom.
8. Mark was inspired by Kyle's 'Trail Junkies' online video series.
9. Tommy referred to Sheriff Rick as 'Rick The Dick'.
10. Officer Mabry finds several hockey masks, including one used by Roy Burns in Part 5.

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