1. According to Kyle, how long is the hike he planned to take around the lake?
2. What viewer does Kyle jokingly refer to as a 'noob'?
3. According to Kyle, how long would the hike take?
4. According to Kyle, what handy, essential tool should be a part of a hiker's list?
5. How many coyotes interrupt Kyle during his attempt at recording a night promo?
6. What is the number of the hidden trail marker?
7. According to Kyle's guidebook, what was significant about the land that made it off limits?
8. What is the model number of the CB car radio Kyle found inside the camp office?
9. What scares Kyle when he reaches the main hall of the camp?
10. What was the significance of the ribbons Kyle found spread across the camp?
1. Kyle states that it is a 45-mile loop around the lake.
2. Kyle refers to viewer Hikerman5000 as a 'noob'.
3. Kyle states that the hike will take 8 hours.
4. Kyle states that a 3-piece collapsible shovel is the handy, essential tool.
5. Kyle says that about 6, maybe 8 coyotes interrupted his promo.
6. The hidden trail marker is numbered 2E03.
7. Kyle states that the land was donated to a wildlife preserve decades ago.
8. The CB radio is a Realistic TRC-471.
9. Kyle is scared by a dead opossum.
10. The ribbons represent the areas where the bodies were found in the original film.
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