1. Jim (Todd Shaffer)- Impaled with a spear gun
2. Suzi (Tiffany Paulsen)- Stabbed with a spear
3. J.J. (Saffron Henderson)- Bashed in the head with her electric guitar
4. Boxer (David Jacox)- Hot sauna rock in the chest
5. Tamara (Sharlene Martin)- Stabbed with a mirror shard
6. Jim Carlson (Fred Henderson)- Harpooned in the back
7. Admiral Robertson (Warren Munson)- Throat slit with a machete
8. Eva (Kelly Hu)- Strangled to death
9. Crew Member (uncredited)- Accidentally shot by Wayne
10. Wayne (Martin Cummins)- Electrocuted on a control panel, burned to death
11. Miles (Gordon Currie)- Impaled on a deck post
12. Student #1 (uncredited)- Drowned offscreen in flooded restaurant
13. Student #2 (uncredited)- Drowned offscreen in flooded restaurant
14. Student #3 (uncredited)- Drowned offscreen in flooded restaurant
15. Student #4 (uncredited)- Drowned offscreen in flooded restaurant
16. Student #5 (uncredited)- Drowned offscreen in flooded restaurant
17. Deck Hand (Alex Diakun)- Axed in the back
18. Gang Banger #1 (Sam Sarkar)- Stabbed in the back and out chest with his own syringe
19. Gang Banger #2 (Michael Benyaer)- Head bashed and scalded on steam pipe
20. Julius (V.C. Dupree)- Head punched off
21. Cop (Roger Barnes)- Dragged into an alley and killed offscreen
22. Colleen Van Deusen (Barbara Bingham)- Immolated in exploding police car
23. Charles McCulloch (Peter Mark Richman)- Drowned in a barrel of sewage
24. Sanitation Worker (David Longworth)- Bludgeoned with a wrench
*NOTE: There were approximately 20-30 students left to die on the Lazarus as the burning ship sank. In addition, the boxer (David Jacox) originally got darts in the eyes instead of the sauna rock to the chest, Tamara (Sharlene Martin) was stabbed to death with several mirror shards, and a diner worker (Ken Kirzinger) was thrown against a mirror, but that kill was unconfirmed.
Film Total: 24
Series Total: 222
1. Shocked to life
2. Hand on hot sauna rock
3. Head through porthole
4. Fountain pen through eye
5. Shot 6 times
6. Hand through window
7. 58 body punches
8. Hit by car
9. Walked through glass door
10. Shocked by 6000 volts
11. Mask and face melted by toxic waste
12. Drowned in toxic waste
Film Total: 12
Series Total: 191

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