1. Mr. Shepard (John Otrin)- Drowned in Crystal Lake
2. Jane (Staci Greason)- Tent spike in the neck, impaled to a tree
3. Michael (William Butler)- Tent spike thrown into his back
4. Dan (Michael Schroeder)- Jason's hand through his body, neck broken
5. Judy (Debora Kessler)- Bashed against a tree in her sleeping bag
6. Russell (Larry Cox)- Axed in the face
7. Sandra (Heidi Kozak)- Pulled underwater and drowned
8. Maddy (Diana Barrows)- Scythe in the neck
9. Ben (Craig Thomas)- Head crushed in Jason's bare hands
10. Kate (Diana Almeida)- Party horn in the eye
11. David (Jon Renfield)- Butcher knife in the stomach, beheaded offscreen
12. Eddie (Jeff Bennett)- Machete wedged into his neck
13. Robin (Elizabeth Kaitan)- Thrown through a window, lands dead on ground
14. Mrs. Shepard (Susan Blu)- Speared from behind
15. Dr. Crews (Terry Kiser)- Tree-trimming saw to the stomach
16. Melissa (Susan Jennifer Sullivan)- Axed in the face

*NOTE: In an alternate version, Robin (Elizabeth Kaitan) is macheted in half at the waist instead of being thrown out a window, and Eddie (Jeff Bennett) is completely beheaded.

Film Total: 16
Series Total: 222


1. Tripped in mud
2. Electrocuted
3. Face first in mud
4. Body through window
5. Hit with couch
6. Hit with potted plant
7. Porch roof caved in on him
8. Ceiling light through head
9. Falling through stairs
10. Head crushed
11. Hung from ceiling
12. Dropped two stories
13. Nails shot into body
14. One nail into forehead
15. Set on fire with gasoline and furnace
16. House blown up
17. Shot three times
18. Strangled with chain
19. Drowned in Crystal Lake

Film Total: 19
Series Total: 191

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