1. Axel (Bruce Mahler)- Surgical hacksaw to the throat; neck broken
2. Nurse Morgan (Lisa Freeman)- Gutted with a scalpel
3. Hitchhiker (Bonnie Hellman)- Knifed through the neck and out throat
4. Samantha (Judie Aronson)- Knifed through a raft
5. Paul (Alan Hayes)- Speared in the groin
6. Terri (Carey More)- Speared in the back
7. Mrs. Jarvis (Joan Freeman)- Killed offscreen
8. Jimmy (Crispin Glover)- Corkscrew in the hand, cleaver in the face
9. Tina (Camilla More)- Thrown through a window, lands dead on a parked car
10. Ted (Lawrence Monoson)- Knifed in the head through a movie screen
11. Doug (Peter Barton)- Face crushed, knifed to wall through neck
12. Sara (Barbara Howard)- Axed in the chest through a door
13. Rob (E. Erich Anderson)- Clawed to death with garden harrow
14. Jason (Ted White)- Macheted to death by Tommy
*NOTE: In an alternate ending, Mrs. Jarvis (Joan Freeman) is found dead in a bathtub by Trish.
Film Total: 14
Series Total: 222
1. Six hacks to wrist with machete
2. 14 slams to head with hammer
3. Hammerclaw in the neck
4. T.V. through head
5. Macheted in left hand
6. Macheted in chest
7. 15 hits to face
8. Grazed by machete (knocking off mask)
9. Machete through left side of head
10. Macheted in face and eye
11. 15 random chops with machete to body and head
Film Total: 11
Series Total: 191

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