1. Alice (Adrienne King)- Stabbed in the temple with an icepick
2. Crazy Ralph (Walt Gorney)- Garotted with barbed wire
3. Muffin (Terry's Dog)- Found mangled in the woods by Jeff and Sandra
4. Officer Winslow (Jack Marks)- Hammer claw in the head
5. Scott (Russell Todd)- Macheted in throat while hanging in a snare
6. Terry (Kirsten Baker)- Killed offscreen
7. Mark (Tom McBride)- Macheted in the face
8. Jeff (Bill Randolph)- And
9. Sandra (Marta Kober)- Double impaling with a spear through their bed
10. Vickie (Lauren-Marie Taylor)- Stabbed with butcher knife
11. Paul (John Furey)- Disappears, presumed dead
Film Total: 11
Series Total: 222
1. Hand through window
2. Hit with car door
3. Kicked in nuts
4. Chainsaw to right arm
5. Chair to back
6. Machete through shoulder
7. Body through window
Film Total: 7
Series Total: 191

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