Kaslan Corp Promotional Commercial
Karen: "Just remember it's refurbished, so it might not work perfectly..."
Falyn: "Okay, can I just point out that this is how every robot apocalypse scenario begins?!""
Chucky: "It's tickle time!"
Chucky: " for Tupac!"
Mike: "A white guy dead in a watermelon patch...poetic..."
Chucky: "I'd do anything for my best buddy..."
Gabe: "Time to open you up...let's see what we're dealin' with..."
Gabe: "YES! There it is...E-bay here we come...finally!"
Chucky: "Time to open you up...let's see what we're dealin' with..."
Chucky: "Because if I can't be your best buddy, then nobody can..."
Karen: " a toy..."
Andy: "Alright, Chucky, you wanna play?! Let's play!"
Kaslan/Chucky: "Every child is important to us. And every child deserves a companion...a friend...that will never let you down. It's time to play!"
Mike: "This is the end..."
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