Glen: "I know I'm an orphan...I know I'm a freak...and of course, I know that I'm Japanese..."

Glen: "Sometimes, I wonder about my own parents...were they Zen masters...did they serve the Emperor?"

Psychs: "You've gotta learn to tap into your killer instinct, mate...give in to your natural impulses!"

Chucky: "Don't worry about it son, you're a late bloomer...that's all!"

Tiffany: "My mother always told me...once is a blessing, twice is a curse..."

Glen: "Why do you kill people?"

Chucky: "'s a hobby, helps us relax..."

Tiffany: "Killing is an addiction, like any other drug..."

Joan: "You're prostituting yourself so you can play the Virgin Mary..."

Pete: "Oh, sweet Jesus...God bless the little people..."

Chucky: "Oops...I did it again!"

Chucky: "I'm not ashamed to be a killer...I'm proud of is not an addiction, it is a choice..."

Glen: "I'm a real lady killer, if you catch my drift..."

Chucky: "If this is what it takes to be human, then I'd rather take my chances as a possessed doll..."

Chucky: "What's so great about being human anyway?"

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